Login and sign up flows for beginners : Best practices

Muhammed Sahad
3 min readJan 28, 2024


Hello folks 👋, welcome to our exploration of user authentication best practices! In this blog, I’ll guide you through the fundamental aspects of creating smooth login, signup, and password recovery experiences. Let’s simplify the complexities and uncover the key tips to enhance user satisfaction in your web application.

The signup and login process is the very start of the user journey. Making both fast and smooth as possible increases user engagement and user satisfaction. if it is large process, they’re likely to abandon the process entirely. so make it simple!.

Make your CTAs easy to spot

In many digital products, the login and signup pages serve as the gateway to the UX. They’re not just initial steps; they’re critical touchpoints that can make or break the user’s perception of your design. Therefore, the placement of the login and signup buttons is vital.

Simplifying the sign up process

Don’t use additional steps to your signing process. keep it single page with minimum number of fields required to set up an account. requiring unnecessary fields can lead to user frustration and may even discourage people from completing the registration process.

Differentiate login and signup

Placing log in and sign up section in a single form may create confusion for users. maybe they try to log in with registration form. to prevent this, us separate pages for logging in and signing up. also make sure user can switch them. place “don’t have an account? sign up” option in login page and “already have an account? log in” in sign up page as a link. so it’ll be easy to switch between two functions.

Allow signing up with social accounts

In todays applications we can see the sign up with google, face book and other social media platforms it because of 80% of users favor social logins for any website. That’s good news since nearly 90% of users are frustrated by constantly having to set up new accounts. social log in let users to use their social accounts such as Google, Face book, Git hub, Linked-in or other social media logins to create an account on your site. It speeds the registration process and users don’t wanna remember their login info such as password.


In conclusion, the distinction between “login” and “signup” lies in their respective roles within the user authentication process. “Login” is the established method for authorized users to access existing accounts by verifying their credentials. On the other hand, “signup” serves as the initial step for new users, enabling them to create an account and obtain entry into the system. Together, these processes form the foundational elements for user interaction within a digital platform or service.

